Dallas Chocolate Festival

September 6-8, 2024

Fashion Industry Gallery
1807 Ross Ave.
Dallas, Texas 75201

Check website for ticket details.

It may have been Quicky the 1970's Nesquik Bunny that first introduced us to things rich and thick and choco-lik, but it's DallasChocolate.org that now helps keep us choco-educated and sweet-tooth indulged ... (because, well, we're pretty cuckoo for cocoa). Likewise, a passion for chocolate led Sander Wolf, an information technology professional, to become the founder of DallasChocolate.org, an organization dedicated to educating people about chocolate. The annually-hosted Dallas Chocolate Festival brings together some of the area's best chocolate makers and chocolatiers who showcase the newest delights and innovations of the chocolate industry and offer informative classes on the subjects of tasting and cooking with chocolate.

The Dallas Chocolate Festival consists of a pre-party, the main festival/conference, and workshops. Within a comfortably air-conditioned environment of wall-to-wall chocolate where artisans display their latest creations, attending guests are able to meet chefs, sample a variety of fine chocolates, and interact directly with trade professionals in a relaxed environment. This indoor summer festival is a chocolate lover's tasting extravaganza with a wide and impressive selection of fine handcrafted chocolate confections just beckoning to be sampled. Attendees receive a fantastic opportunity to indulge in treats from artisans that range from elegant and exotic to confections we could eat every day. For ticket holders who want to learn more about the history and use of fine chocolate, optional classes are offered (some at no additional charge) on a number of related topics from processing to pairing chocolates. Roundtable discussions and audience Q&A sessions with chocolatiers and chocolate makers from across the country (a virtual who's who of the industry) offer keen insights as vendors spend time discussing their products, backgrounds, specialties, personal preferences, and the kinds of chocolate that they themselves enjoy the most. Adventure is the key to unveiling new tastes and ideas, and the best way to discover the best chocolate that Dallas has to offer is, according to Kevin Wenzel of Wiseman House Chocolates, to just start nibbling.

See additional information below or visit:
Dallas Chocolate Festival

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Dallas Chocolatiers' Roundtable 2014 Your Dallas Chocolatiers at the Dallas Chocolate Festival 2014. Featuring Madame Cocoa; Dude, Sweet Chocolate; Nib Chocolate; Bark Chocolate; CocoAndre; The Mansion; Spoon/Knife; Collin College; Dr. Sue's Chocolate; Toffee Treats; Goodies Texas; and audience questions. Dallas Chocolatiers' Roundtable 2014

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